Monday, December 4, 2023

Ælements of Desolation (Garden)

  1. Æ  = Quintessential  or  Air \Water\ Fire\ Earth    
  2. Quintessence = 1/5 Element
    1.    5th Heaven = North Æmerica (Melting Pot of Refinement) pure
    2.    4th Heaven = Mexico Æmerica
    3.    3rd Heaven = South Æmerica
      1.    1/3 Ælement = Seedling
      2.    1/4 Ælement = Growth
      3.    1/5 Ælement = Fruit  (God Particle) ๏
  3. 1/6 or 6th Ælement = Darkness
  4. 1/7 or 7th Ælement = Light

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