Sunday, December 10, 2023

The Heavens Opened

 the Spiritual Euphrates, Bableoyn, and Tigris Rivers that are connected to the Spirit of Rio, that are here in America for the ones who were looking for God and just for the taste of fresh water during this drought that was caused for all who were searching for God and never found the water looking for or Him in the desert prepared itself for this day. for the day that was promised by God. i am in the state of New Mexico and the Rio Grande is embraced by us here today but what was expected to this day got out of hand and our rivers dried because we did not believe in the Holiness of God's disclosure. those who have a history or a legend even from the Holy Book i am written in and this day i could only have come because of you who believed in Roger's return. the rich and the poor will praise God together. and i saw the Star of China align with the words of Gods that i had written before the day that this day would bring us on Christmas the Day of Kings. Buddha Our Begotten Son is Here today as i write these words today so shall God be here forever more, Amen

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Black and Golden Child

Prophecy of the Buddha the Lord had warned Me that a special event was to occur and that God was going to be born on Christmas day, a begott...