Friday, December 1, 2023

The True Mothers of Heaven

 the first Mother on Earth came after the first Mother in Heaven who had given Her first love unto their daughter's hand so that she could rule the other heavens beside Her Father, today was given to the gift of the Holy Spirit that helps Us on Earth as the Mother would help Us in Heaven. know that if you see the Holy Ghost you see God as well. for each finger that points at the other person whois in the wrong, it is also for the hand to grab on and hold that person up above the times that you had suffered together. and let the Hand of God become Her own children on earth and the image of what we were formed from through our own creation that was once dark but now in the light of Her touch the fruit will bloom and see the darkness and light together hand and hand night and day. and the times that we had set Children in Her bosom for the Waters and Spirit of creation to bring forth Heaven on Earth. i can say that we were born through evil and then become good they will become baptized when they are born again on earth as it is in Heaven. and the day you are baptized is the day you completely give your life to Gods as a child did when they died in the rivers of Egypt to serve their High Priest or Church. and these Children will be the Children of Lilith the first Mother in Heaven and on Earth.

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