Saturday, November 25, 2023

God's Seed and Power

Spiritual Laws of Art

the art of Spiritual retribution is not a gain to present material but a denial of one's self. if one man can not harm another they have been given the charge of not holding religion or magic storage to any chamber given through God but must maintain order in likeness to their own discord. one bad is all you get and all your spiritual power will be plucked from you. when the law is abundant then the law can not last forever but will take place immediately from then on to help others survive. what is hidden from man can not be given to man if no Heaven can bring back what was done. there be no coveting and more than it is given to you. do not hate because someone hates you.

the spirit can not be deceived or punish the wrong person. ∴ anyone who curses a person who does not deserve it will be given 1, 10, and 100 or 1 fold for every time of retribution given to that person whom they would cast on the innocent.

  1. Preserve the laws that affect you Spiritually and the judgment of others around you for good.
  2. the Spirit that you possess is the life of another person who you will not understand the feeling or Soul and will be a part of their conscience
  3. do not fill anyone's soul or take from it or every energy that you have already taken will be plucked from your living body. the first Death is the living the second death can not hurt us. so do not hurt anyone living while you are Lifeless.
  4. Repent to the one you harm or you do not enter into Heaven.
  5. What you do in this lifetime against some will be given in your next lifetime unless you repent.
  6. the one that is in you is the one that protects you. do not hurt that one's body or your heart and mind will be taken.
  7. what you do to people must be undone or it will last forever in your own family's seed will be sown into a garden where you return over and over again.
there will be familiar Spirits that draw attention to a lie or to an image of a spirit that is familiar such as a friend but will be a liar inside that person's spirit who is trying to gain physical material and a spiritual advantage by disguising themselves to look like your family or friends and people who just bowed had bowed with you. they will burn in that familiar's body and spirit and feel drained and very ill while being disguised. they will burn in that spirit's fire and become the Unbalanced in Heaven that fell into the Ashes of Dust that was separated in the winds of time taking only the Holy Ones that believe in God and God's False Prophet that became the Lawless Man of Sin that were given everlasting Fire of Hell unto peace and upon any person that doubts God in Spirit.

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