Saturday, November 25, 2023

Two Towers of Babel and Christ

 the Lord led their Angels to the west of Minor Asia. and there they started to make bricks, the Lord brought many Angels that surrounded this world's foundation to that day in the beginning of man speaking in tongues and many languages God had brought many languages together in Europe to make one Language of Light or Latin as we speak that spoke many languages in that day today of the Lord. and the Lord made a tower only half built until the day we would all come together again and finish what we started. and the Lord made the Word of God flesh and without brick man had scattered in search of the Lord whose spirit had spoken in tongues and brought forth the Light of Creation into the bread of life and the Foundation of Heaven. to those who are first in fruit, who were chosen to speak for their Great Grandfathers and Mothers were in spirit of God and spoke many languages. these are the Words of God that shall be built up again as two watch towers that reach into Heaven on Earth.

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