Friday, November 24, 2023

The complexion of Our Worlds Foundation

 yesterday has been discovered and today is just away from each other been given an ample moment of our time show this example of King Mc Gregory Conner who is today the same person. today behold a King among the Kings who have kept peace throughout the years in silence. among the fourth generation to succeed in the cosmos. we are not a forgotten race of humans with the red jasper hair and freckles that rules around the planets Michelle, Ruben, and Pauline the absent planets of a coal mine or planet subjugated to the creation of a black race of intelligent giants that ruled with Helios and Cylspso that once ruled in the dark before she ruled the day and the coal of the skin was the color of the content the out content of their soul. who is with the Nephelium in the center rotation of our Marketplace. giving the path of brothers and son. from a mountain up on High Ground (upper heaven) above the coal and skin unto layers of their Mothers's first kin.

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