Wednesday, December 13, 2023

One Voice and One Time Given to Her Tomorrow

only one prophet will speak with God. only one voice can be God. only one body or being can be God. and i saw what was good. and the Word of God came from those who can interpret the Prophet of God who became the Word of God. those who want to be like God will be like God and those who disbelieved in a man or woman becoming God will never become God in Spirit or in flesh. for they were here before the Word of God and will never be able to change the day that God changed the Heavens for all who believed or had faith in Atom who is Roger Grant the first God to become a man. and the Lord became God the first man in the beginning of time that had become one dimension. and the Lord created the Creatures of Heaven that had been cast out to the future or what will become, the clear waters from the depths (dark water) of our past that will give life back unto you who believed in God.

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