Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Mother in Labor

 no more birth pains nor is there anyone who claims to become who they are to be as alike or set to the same place to prosper with all of God's children that honor their Father and Mother. it was through them today who spoke too much during birth giving every mother her own birth and the pains of those who did not manage to give a little before they spent a little when they spoke out of line against the Holy Spirit that once destroyed the earth with gnashing of teeth to endure labor pains. for their lies came upon their own misfortune that placed them in Hell for that day in the End to be the curse of what they intended for us to die within. so let us give the Latter Day of Destruction the 500,000 that make it into Paradise just to find out what would happen if it was them 3,000,000 years from now. and they will wait in a dark and hostile place where their account and the debt they consumed on this earth today must be paid in full before they can be sold again.

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Black and Golden Child

Prophecy of the Buddha the Lord had warned Me that a special event was to occur and that God was going to be born on Christmas day, a begott...