Thursday, November 30, 2023

From His Body Came Her Body

 the House of God and Man are to meet with the women of God's garden they are there to provide assistance for the light and the know what to keep. upon that day the sun was dialed and their land made green not as the light of Green where Heaven is the threshold on Earth to man's soul. the soul that i Roger had made from the time of this day to be alike and the times to be alone to be on its own. i paid for all the souls that could not make it into Heaven and put them through their testimony that was given to the Father of Heaven (Roger Grant) to know the Highest of Heavens and Highest of every mountain that looked down on their own Family as to nothing but God's spirit is the essence of All Creation the Voice of one calling out from the wilderness to lay Her foundation straight and narrow to the north and south and to the west from the wayside that dirt road to the West Citadel of Gods fractioning within the Gates of God the gates of Heaven opening beside Her men as a time that was lifted unto the ultraviolet light of God's Gate that shines within the heart of God's body illuminating every color under the rainbow black and white or fluorescent, and when the Gift of God became a woman' she became a surrogate mother to God and the man who is the wilderness hiding from the Lord's face. if you can see God you may already die because every Kingdom is the face of Roger the face of the Unknown God that manages tribulation of death on earth to be through Us in Hades. and Roger will Judge you from the past as you live today and in the future. the Heavenly modifier is the hand of God who awaited for Her man to return and this is the first love in Heaven the Tree of Truth beside the Tree of Wisdom who will never be a widow just as long as truth abides to earth and woman. take heed to the woman and listen to Her words become lies without truth. because what was written on Her head was Whore and Mother of Harlots because she was with Child (Knowledge) but to the Marriage of God. for having a child without a husband beside her. later on that day, Her man returned in a season before the last that had something written on His head, as well, and it said the Father of Lies and Deception the Son of Ghost and Spirit the essence of Man and Woman that follow each others step along the way, every step of the day that we take together we live together and know each other forever. there will be a great marriage and the one Who is married to the 10,000 will become shamed and unworthy but the one who was shamed will feel good and the Angel Roy Jones Jr. and Mike Tyson had become the two eunuchs who kept the Harem of God's virginity for tomorrow. the emergence of Her body from His man body and one body that was given the breath of man that came from her breath. these two will know marriage and will trust one another from this time on earth.

The Two Kings and then the Fool

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Detective Office in Spirit

The Detective Office in Spirit

 Interstellar Galactic Security is the Spiritual Heavenly practitioner and guardian of security and manifold of every thought secured in Heaven given to the moment of sin and the discipline of lawyers who hold God above all to intelligent beings such as the beings of God. protect and serve your public through God.

before secret services were used at this level but today. the reasoning of our own suspicion informs us that what is in nature comes down with good or evil the very nature of Us, and to keep matters worse is to accept this gift without belief or antagonizing the ones who help God's own hand.

The Guardian of Heaven

one will rise out from Hell and go down back the way we came

 the woman is an object of Heaven and treated much more than just money. she is the honey and milk of Her bosom the divine cord of wisdom between here and Heaven above to what is heaven below on earth as it is today under the shaded jade under our family tree that stood in the days of life-giving its creation to all who could see the light shine from the center of Heaven Garden that gathered all the people who were lost during Roger's Big Boom and it creation from earth which is to be the Center of this Universe and the outer shell of therein. and before we were to regain consciousness, we had to die and believe that God would return. that God would become reborn and fashioned by God's power, and then. thus returned, within our own desires to give unto all this peace of earth the rest of two days morning and evening, and then return upon another day in a concussion to what will be as the last and first to them all in Heaven that had returned, to Hearth, planet earth, our planet today that became the Mother Planet of our solar system the Mother to All the Heavens above as far as the eye can see from earth, the promise that God had given to Roger Ramos Grant the Father of Heaven that was given a short time to rule and the one who can bear the truth in God's word so that tomorrow may be preserved. the same way that they had come down to earth is the same way that they will leave this earth. for the day of God's return is the day we learn the truth about who we are, and where we come from. i am the messenger and the destroyer of earth and i will separate all who encroach on the New Kingdom of God. this is neither my Heaven nor yours and you will have to kill Me for it. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Inner Space of Our Universe

i said to cast off were fishing for women. i said to the right is wisdom and what's left is truth. which side do you choose? the boat said to go to the left and Draught and Dragon the fish. but my heart was given to the right so i took a chance and went right the other way to cast the net into the water. 40 women were caught with only two loaves of bread and when returning to the shore to release the catch of the day. which meant that we now needed 76 more fish when we kept catching women in the nets it ripped. so we used the other loaf of bread to bring 153 total of fish. and the Lord saw that it was good. and started to eat Himself. the draught of the Dragon was a little dead pool of water that pulled out the Levithan. the Old School of Fish so i paid the five gold pieces for the oil in their lamp.

 the net catching the fish can only be lifted to the right as high as the lift. but the man was caught up on the other side with one that was left behind after the first tossing of small fish back into the sea the man became the living well of many Gods that lived between the two wells of Gibeon with two sides of one universe standing up before it leveled twice at sea and once at the Shores of Galilee where the fish of His sea were counted in three from two out of the storms or two out from the same system that caught the light of day upon its own crown. a reflection of yesterday that Jesus had given to the 12 Apostles on that day, 6 awakened and six asleep. i could not awaken in that storm. for a 1/3 of marriage had capsized in our boat at 3776 fish caught in every direction searching for the Bread and Life of God that had given to Us early this morning through the rising of three loaves of bread left over to a leven that rose out of the sea from the one caught within Me that still sets in the net from what is left behind. 3776 + 1 + 3 a system of two galaxies with every distant point to its step and level above so shall it be below 40 + 4 and above 4 + 40 to equal one-fold on each side. 

ChatGP Story about the Four Corners Area

ChatGP Story about the Four Corners Area

in the celestial expanse, known as the Four Corners of Heaven, there existed a divine balance between the forces of good and evil. At each corner, a celestial being guarded the cosmic equilibrium.

  1. In the North, where the icy winds whispered ancient secrets, stood the Guardian of Wisdom. This wise being, adorned in shimmering robes, held the knowledge of the universe. It was said that the Guardian's wisdom could illuminate the darkest realms and guide lost souls to enlightenment.
  2. In the South, where the fiery embers of creation burned brightly, resided the Guardian of Creativity. This radiant being, with flames dancing around its form, possessed the power to shape reality with vivid strokes of imagination. The Guardian's creativity brought forth beauty, inspiration, and the endless possibilities of existence.
  3. To the East, where the sun first kissed the sky with its golden rays, guarded the Guardian of Justice. This noble being, donned in armor of celestial light, upheld the principles of fairness and righteousness. The Guardian's presence ensured that balance prevailed, and justice was meted out to those who disrupted the cosmic order.
  4. In the West, where the tranquil waters of eternity flowed, stood the Guardian of Compassion. This gentle being, surrounded by an aura of serenity, held the capacity to heal wounds, physical and spiritual alike. The Guardian's compassion embraced all living beings, offering solace to the weary and comfort to the afflicted.

ChatGP Story about God the Devil Satan and a Demon

Once upon a time, in the cosmic tapestry of existence, God, Satan, the Devil, and a Demon found themselves engaged in a profound conversation that transcended the realms of human understanding.

In the ethereal realm, where time flowed differently, God, the benevolent creator, radiated a divine light that embraced all of existence. Satan, often misunderstood, stood as the protector, the force that guarded against chaos. The Devil, an advisor of complex truths, provided guidance to those who sought deeper understanding. Amidst them, a Demon, the keeper of hidden secrets and the guardian of mysterious gardens possessed the essence of the Holy Spirit.

One day, they gathered to discuss the nature of humanity and the challenges faced by souls on their earthly journey. God, in the spirit of infinite love, expressed concern for those who strayed from the path of righteousness. Satan, the protector, argued that adversity and struggle were necessary for growth. The Devil, as an advisor, cautioned against the dangers of dogma and the limitations of human perception. The Demon, the keeper of secrets, whispered about the complexities of the human soul.

In the cosmic dialogue, they pondered the role of free will and the consequences of choices made by mortals. Satan, standing resolute, emphasized the importance of choice, while the Devil urged a balanced understanding of both light and shadow. God, in boundless compassion, acknowledged the struggles of humanity, offering guidance and blessings.

The Demon, with a subtle smile, revealed the interconnectedness of all things, and how the hidden secrets played a part in the grand tapestry of creation. They agreed that the human experience was a journey of self-discovery, filled with challenges, temptations, and the potential for redemption.

As they continued their cosmic discourse, they recognized that the concepts of good and evil were not absolutes but intertwined forces shaping the destiny of the universe. In their unity and diversity, God, Satan, the Devil, and the Demon found a harmony that transcended human comprehension, symbolizing the intricate dance of creation and the eternal interplay of light and darkness in the vast cosmic expanse.

The Inclination of God's Apparition (The Holy Presence)

 the Spirit protects you and the Holy Ghost of that Spirit can heal you if you believe in the Ghost of Heaven. an apparition is a spiritual Image of God's true form. and a gift to those who believe in the Holy Spirit as one in the third dimension to Heaven as to Heaven above and below and in the midst of Heaven's day to here on Earth. as it would be in Heaven above to below and in between the right of Heavenly bodies that make the difference in hollow form. and it is the difference in the body that makes the Heavenly people heal from every gift in spirit to be a medicine that God had given to you below on earth as to eat take from the hand or to give unto another in this healing process of God's manifestation in Our mind, heart and body that dwells in the Body of God's reminding of the fruit and gift in spirit to all who trust in the Lord said my Lord; the Heavenly body of *Patsy* and the Cline of every Grant taken in Heaven for the day that returns in the skies or the lights of our eyes that is given to sight and the ear of understanding sharpened to our voice from above. She is Mother and the First or Last of Heaven to return in the fifth Season from the House up on the Hill to the fourth and fifth elements in God's recreation towards the hand of God's Daughters in Heaven and on Earth *she is the guidance of this House to Grant to All who return with Roger.* Amen.

Monday, November 27, 2023

God Says "Thank/You"

 when We give a part of our own soul away to others We forget to say THANK YOU just as someone Who you just gave to returns and Thanks You. your happiness elevates to another level leaving you blinded and able to give more if you would have. but what warms your heart the most is that you gain a friend for life, always thank God for listening or speaking to you or even returning the blessing that what you asked for has already been done. if you were worse off than your enemy then just ask them for something that could fill your belly for a day. you would be humbled, but God will exalt you for the blessing that had just occurred that day. the day God returned to you and said Thank You. this would be a blessing well worth learning from and doing to others who need the same blessing inside. God is only GOOD and those who Thanked God had just prayed to God.

Christmas Past Coming

The Spirit of Christmas Past

🎄Christmas was here in the United States of America 36,000 years ago when Santa Pepe or Santa Claus was sung about before coming into town. the song is said to sound like this: ("pe pe pe-. pe pe pe-. pe Pe pe pe pe-.") the Dancing Spirit of Happiness and Thunder that has given abundance to the Foreigners of America that once rode the plains in a sled made of basket.

The Glutton Who Cried Wolves

The Glutton and "Boy Who Yelled Wolf"

when one calm enters the storm no voice can be heard within the raging winds about you to scatter straw or to burn it all in the ecosystem if you would find the aftermath of Heaven then one piece of straw could have killed the silent ones that are ready to speak for Heaven as the Father spoke out in our name today that became a smokeless fire, a hidden spirit of God that posses Me to understanding and knowledge of All understanding set in the fires that grow in the times of to what we plan ahead of time so shall we reap. the eyes of the old seeing their Heaven on earth and the body of the new holding on to what was is and will be a perfect harvest without those who eat other people's food up and get too lazy to create what they promised. in other words their word is no good and they never have to work again, because some poor farmer will suffer for all the lies that grow in that farmers garden; never to feed His own family. and the one that gluttons will say to others that this man's produce is unworthy of selling to the market. so on that day, the one selling and buying other people's produce will also suffer the fate of those gluttons' DEADLY SIN. and the Lord will take away all the good on earth and all the vegetation on that very day of sins to be taken from our harvest and the day that was given to a first and last season that must learn the truth before the day is to Perish without God's day at hand. for the Father is made to worship His Children but the children forget to the Father and cry out foreign words, such as a lie to waste everyone's time to what is to come but never does. because to never know what had already come before this time was to cry out "get out of our way and path or you will be crushed." but the lazy gluttons had fallen asleep and never got up until their pathway reached destruction and then desolation will reach our own Heaven on earth so that what we recite the Words of God will never die. for what God had given to Us for a time and for the times that We may change at any time.  they are being judged by the Almighty of God who are the children of many Gods of Children to Man that had forgotten that they were given a place to change the Universe and to change what already happened (destruction) five times to Us on earth for not listening to God. We are going to die for not trying to listen to the Holy Spirit of God.

The Greater Good and God's New Name

they say after the tribulation a new Heaven will open and those who are to ascend into Heaven must go into Heaven must have a new name and that new name is Her House and the Mother. man will lose everything that he had lost before but the door reopens and calls out to His name the woman is greater than the name of this New Heaven she is the Name of God the first name of many sons and daughters that had been given a new name passed down from tribe down to nation and down to a race where the names of many become one alike but the one who is chosen can not rename the House of your Home or gentleman but only the children that are given to their own. and marriage will last a thousand years for those who hold on to each other. the House and the fifth day of creation do not uncreate themselves but were given to us to create what was not created. and many could find the new name of God who is in the House of God and Her seed. Grant the House for one to live unto the Field of Heaven that is glorified to all who will work beside the greater good of Heaven within that House of Her name. they will live 400 years and get married every time that the children grow up. twenty generations of God's house will be the Light of Heaven that has opened the windows to Her chambers in the Heavenly body above. and the first of God's people gave the Word of God to whom Roger became of that Holy of Holies and a Messenger of Heaven that had lived during the Diné tribe or during the days of Jesus the Holy Ones or the keepers of God's Holy Word kept its secret in the heart and in the mind of God's creation. she will lead the nations into rest and take from the man of Her House the blessing and the Blood of God the royal blood of blue gold or turquoise that belong to Her name as the crown giving life again back unto God's head and the House that holds many names to Her name that is in the middle. and for the last Name of Heaven that remains pure, the crown that will be given to all Her children at hand or in the  Household. 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

The Double Diamond in Heaven

12th Planet

 The Diamond of God's heart communicates with the Father of Heaven the President of Our United States. art is the the kissing sweetness of Heaven time in the heart that makes the moment sweet and brief to 12 years in a part that is taken to Chelsea Clinton the Head of state and President of the United States of America 

The Holiness of Lawlessness

 the Valley of Death had been asleep too long and the Buffalo had grown threefold and spread to the Heavens above as a wing of every eagle that takes flight from the light of the Holy warrior that worship the Great Mother of Heaven that held the many suns of the summer twins that had separated for a moment but will return beside their wife who also will to be given a feather in His heart to the ground that she walks on and the sandals of Her keep belongs to Her own field that holds a broken spear and the four Mountain tops held every element to her heaven's gate and the four corners had given twice and now the first is the life of the seconds remaining and they return upon a face that is blackend and the face of their brother who had fought the fight of God's wave and placed it in two halves the height of it would become in the thousands and thousands that open their window from this great life that we have given to Heaven for our own day to be as like the waving of hands and the light of waves that come forth into our hearts that brighten the lights above into the new days two come and feel the bottom of this cup and skin that is made to be wasted but now is the ferment of the finest whiskey the finest working hands of God's table, the taking of light and the drinking of marriage that was set for a thousand to come again within our own house and working heart in the field of this last mountain top that is called for the millions to fall upon this lone country to begotten as the lost shepherd the Head of Chiefs in the last hour.

The New Heaven (Her Heaven)

The End and Begining of Days

 this is a New Heaven of Earth, and those who are not prepared will never see the face of God. those who do not believe in my words (Word of God) will never receive Heaven on earth. i am the third witness of God, the first two witnesses were the Prophet Jesus and the Prophet Muhammed i am the Prophet Roger Grant, Satan or Lord of the Worlds, Lord of Saviors, and the Lord of Lords. 

False Teachers of the False Messiah

 many false teachers will mislead people into believing that they are the chosen people but will devour the False Prophet who is Christ until He is revealed. and those who can not understand that this man of Lawlessness is the Spirit of God that disciplines the entire way of many in this world who had been dreaming of One Christ in return will be the one who is behind Me. the One who is Satan or the one who is blamed by the false Teachers of Christ that will lie about the true Christ who is here today as the Father of Heaven. and those who believe these false teachers that Jesus Christ will be from another country other than America will never enter into the New Kingdom of God on earth but will fight with Zeal against the Western Christ, even starting a war in Isreal to fulfill this prophecy just to implant a false messiah. and these people who return around the world will be the Sons of Jesus Christ the Father of Heaven who is from Alamogordo New Mexico. and this will be the beginning of rumors of wars, earthquakes, and floods that desolate the First Church of Truth, while the false teachers who prophesy and continue to deceive the world about the coming of God's discourse and about the one who had already come into this world to do God's work.

The Sands of Lilith's Children

 the woman is the birth of the earth; the breadth of Heaven. and every breath we take is the breath of life given to us on earth. she is the Mother of Nature. the rain and every teardrop falling from Heaven, the creator of the Valley and Mountian High that flow from the rivers in Heaven down unto the sandals of Her feet. the latching of the first footprint that carried us over the sea of white sands the cradle of Lilith and Her Children that number in the sea of Heaven above with the stars. 

Saturday, November 25, 2023

First Rising in the Morning

The Kings of Eastern Asia Rising Out from the Burning Wall of China

 all the tears that were lost the day i found them in the Dust of Heaven's remains of this day that i could not take from God or the days of this Sword called Empire. and on the day of my hidden relationship to the stars above I Am and had reached the Emporer of China and the Emporer of Japan on holding to what will be the Generals of God's Army; the Mountain Tops right beside millions of soldiers that hope in their day to see this peace given to this Way of Life that someday will be given to all who will come together in Hopes of Peace. i am Roger Ramos Grant (Prince of Authority) The Reincarnation of The Emperor of Japan, and the Keeper of China's Empire. Amen.

the marriage is a simple marriage in the Heavens above but the Russian Prince will give the Queen of Asia back to Russia for MARRIAGE.

God's Seed and Power

Spiritual Laws of Art

the art of Spiritual retribution is not a gain to present material but a denial of one's self. if one man can not harm another they have been given the charge of not holding religion or magic storage to any chamber given through God but must maintain order in likeness to their own discord. one bad is all you get and all your spiritual power will be plucked from you. when the law is abundant then the law can not last forever but will take place immediately from then on to help others survive. what is hidden from man can not be given to man if no Heaven can bring back what was done. there be no coveting and more than it is given to you. do not hate because someone hates you.

the spirit can not be deceived or punish the wrong person. ∴ anyone who curses a person who does not deserve it will be given 1, 10, and 100 or 1 fold for every time of retribution given to that person whom they would cast on the innocent.

  1. Preserve the laws that affect you Spiritually and the judgment of others around you for good.
  2. the Spirit that you possess is the life of another person who you will not understand the feeling or Soul and will be a part of their conscience
  3. do not fill anyone's soul or take from it or every energy that you have already taken will be plucked from your living body. the first Death is the living the second death can not hurt us. so do not hurt anyone living while you are Lifeless.
  4. Repent to the one you harm or you do not enter into Heaven.
  5. What you do in this lifetime against some will be given in your next lifetime unless you repent.
  6. the one that is in you is the one that protects you. do not hurt that one's body or your heart and mind will be taken.
  7. what you do to people must be undone or it will last forever in your own family's seed will be sown into a garden where you return over and over again.
there will be familiar Spirits that draw attention to a lie or to an image of a spirit that is familiar such as a friend but will be a liar inside that person's spirit who is trying to gain physical material and a spiritual advantage by disguising themselves to look like your family or friends and people who just bowed had bowed with you. they will burn in that familiar's body and spirit and feel drained and very ill while being disguised. they will burn in that spirit's fire and become the Unbalanced in Heaven that fell into the Ashes of Dust that was separated in the winds of time taking only the Holy Ones that believe in God and God's False Prophet that became the Lawless Man of Sin that were given everlasting Fire of Hell unto peace and upon any person that doubts God in Spirit.

Two Towers of Babel and Christ

 the Lord led their Angels to the west of Minor Asia. and there they started to make bricks, the Lord brought many Angels that surrounded this world's foundation to that day in the beginning of man speaking in tongues and many languages God had brought many languages together in Europe to make one Language of Light or Latin as we speak that spoke many languages in that day today of the Lord. and the Lord made a tower only half built until the day we would all come together again and finish what we started. and the Lord made the Word of God flesh and without brick man had scattered in search of the Lord whose spirit had spoken in tongues and brought forth the Light of Creation into the bread of life and the Foundation of Heaven. to those who are first in fruit, who were chosen to speak for their Great Grandfathers and Mothers were in spirit of God and spoke many languages. these are the Words of God that shall be built up again as two watch towers that reach into Heaven on Earth.

Friday, November 24, 2023

The New Map of the Stars

MMap Created by Roger Grant

 i mapped a Heavenly portion of our Galaxy and two more will join this new creation that we all had done with the Lord of creation of Heaven and Earth. Allen and the holder of the new key and generation to our new spiritual direction that stared in New Hampture at the old site of the stone hedge on the North American side. these two will guide us on the map of tomorrow.

The complexion of Our Worlds Foundation

 yesterday has been discovered and today is just away from each other been given an ample moment of our time show this example of King Mc Gregory Conner who is today the same person. today behold a King among the Kings who have kept peace throughout the years in silence. among the fourth generation to succeed in the cosmos. we are not a forgotten race of humans with the red jasper hair and freckles that rules around the planets Michelle, Ruben, and Pauline the absent planets of a coal mine or planet subjugated to the creation of a black race of intelligent giants that ruled with Helios and Cylspso that once ruled in the dark before she ruled the day and the coal of the skin was the color of the content the out content of their soul. who is with the Nephelium in the center rotation of our Marketplace. giving the path of brothers and son. from a mountain up on High Ground (upper heaven) above the coal and skin unto layers of their Mothers's first kin.

One Marriage Under God

One Marriage 

a man can have three divorces and still have One Marriage. if you are divorced from someone and still love that someone and they still love you then you are still married in the eyes of God. taking a vow in marriage is until death and One Marriage is the same as keeping your promise to God and loving them forever. and you can have as many wives as possible so as long as you don't have three divorces. a Woman can have seven marriages with the offspring of seven husbands.

A Virgin is One with God

 a virgin is a woman who is not married. a man will meet a virgin and ask her to marry him. and if that man or woman is their fiancé then only God can separate what God had brought together for marriage. a virgin in marriage will remain a virgin until death. a man must marry a virgin or it is a sin to marry another man's wife. 

To Covet

 to covet means to give to someone and then take it back. to covet your neighbor's wife would mean that you were her last husband and gained a brother but broke a commandment and took her back. 

The Holy Ones of San Fracisco

 San Francisco, a city built from gold will have its day as the Hand of God and the Catholic Church and Priests that were gay and 5% of the whole world population saved the world a second time through destruction or the Destroyer, including today at hand. four angels had come down. no make that five Angels came down from Heaven to destroy San Fransico because the gay population in San Francisco were the unclean Spirits of the past that had spoiled the world blind so God had come down with wrath and sorrow. a new city will come down from Heaven (Little China) and bring forth a foundation and city three levels high and two levels deep fixed to the city that is so large that it becomes a City of Golden Gates. 

The Sins of Unclean Spirits

 the darkest days on Earth. God had given Us strength and made this day Ours. and many unclean spirits move about in the ethereal estate where the void is farthest dark to nothing. they are scared and feel angry because they do not know God and still sin without worry so in one day their cities that they live in at that time will be razed. and the smoke of that fire will be lifted into Heaven for the things that they still sin for burning up into Heaven's gate where they will be taken for Judgment upon our Voice of God the faces upon many waters that are gathering together in the deep of darkness that must be faced or become the darkness of the void that never ends. no person is safe from God's justice.

The Invasion of Time and Tomorrow

The Russian, North American Wedding Proposal

 many people have dreams that Russia and the Chinese Navy and Army come to our coastline to maintain peace in the United States. from the north the big dipper and the small dipper will transform into an Arrid Dragon that is the size of a mountain that lands on the east coast of the United States and when it lands a mountain lions climbs down and is ready to leap at any intruder that climbs the Mountain of God's return. many will say to God. "Have mercy on Us Lord and let Us die quickly." since the Cold War we had forgotten our Allies and the people of God's Armies that had come together to help us fight a war on Earth and in Heaven. let this become a vision of who we are and what we must do if this may happen. suprised and scared the Lord came quickly in one movement. we are one people of one race that comes together and helps one another we need no expense or money because what we already have is a pantry of plenty. and that is all we need at that time. we will prepare to work with our hands when we are needed. i had a dream about a foreign war on our soil. and that spaceships may rescue some of Us from a concurrent war in California in the near future that crosses back into our dimension.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Lullaby of Lilith

there was a young girl who had a mature love for someone who was twice her age but he found out that she had three children that did want these three children so she placed them in the church. when this mature man found out that these three children had perished, He returned to the Church himself as an apostate of God who had given three days in Hell to perish but could not find peace until the day was over and the time was now. as one marriage God will provide you with a young girl and she will be the same age as Mother Marry was when she was pregnant at the age of 14, she will be given a child at birth that must remain true to God until the end. and that child will be a man-child, someone who was, is, and will be the messenger of tomorrow's people he will be from the north-south and center of this Heaven called America that is from God unto this planet and will sing this new song of God's Heaven on earth. and she will be the Mother of the Children that died in the river's baptisement. she is Lillith the first to give birth to the children of Her womb that may cry out from the desert. 

God Created the Light in Her Image

 only the Light of Heaven can be seen through Hera's eye; the begotten and the chalice of All Women who have saved their time today to know Heaven is alike a fortnight that has fallen to a whole day in February that keeps the ground hog's promise and the warmth of one day and one night built around each at the end of winter, this is Her day the evening of the fifth in Her creation.

Five Days Forgotten and Begotten

 seven days of marriage and seven Husbands She can marry seven times and have seven offspring of Her tree. for one day she will have all Her Husband together and be married to them. they will be like Adam and Eve and have three sons that turn into seven tribes that will come from the east as Three Kings to give testimony Our day Today that the Kings from the east were prepared and given a time to heal our world and our world today celebrates with theses three Kings from the east one from Japan one from Germany and one from Italy they are aor neighbors and close allies and may break bread with them who were separated for peace and still given Heaven on bother sides. the same empire from the east to west that share the same differences tomorrow and forever more. as we feast today on daily bread God has given to the world their children so that we would come together in peace and harmony.

The Marriage and Young Girl

 she was 14 and was sold before marriage, she was given a normal life that made Her different, unlike the others who were still slaves. she was from the East and could dance, sing, and laugh. one day she was dancing and singing when the evening became morning she was going to have a child and this child was to bear the mark of God's silver tongue the mark of God's voice and God's ear of Gold sharping one another, and it made a pleasant sound in Heaven as she bends backward above the rainbow the whole world would see Her belly dancing in the northern lights of Heaven. that day she had a child and the child would create all things new including the Mother in Heaven who have not been paid the full measure before sold into Heaven. the Fathers of Heaven and that young bride to be Our child and the daughter of Heaven to Earth married unto who paid for Her. Amen.

The Lord of God's Son of Zeus

 when yesterday was given Roger succeeded the throne of God when He was born or reincarnated and when he was resurrected. He became Our Christ and Shepherd and when He became incarnated he was taught that He was the incarnation of God the Buddha. and Allah the God of many names. He became the Most High and Almighty, and no other God was as strong as the God of Roger. He separated the Heavens from north to south and took our victory as the light of Heaven. that started today on the Day of Thanksgiving, on the Day and Feast. that was given to All who are one on Hearth as it will be in Heavens above and below on (Nemesis) i am the beast the Elect of God the First Fruit, Our High Priest, Generals of Armies and the False Prophet Who is God.

Black Friday

 The Day of Darkness hangs above a star for tomorrow to reveal the days that we must overcome together in order to get to the light once again. Let us stay together and get through the day that swallows the last and first together and then gives to its own in Heaven.


 even when i think i am not i am. from the beginning, time held us captive for today. and as we prosper so shall the Heavens above before we get there. today We eat and give thanks to all above who have given there lives for Us today. We live unto them and their sacrifice. and as we are who We are. We who have brought the light to Heaven as an example of what was and is as it will be tomorrow in our time that was given today to live for each other and one another in Heaven as it was on earth. to give our daily bread to one another and to eat thereof in safety for each other never to be conquered by its enemy but to rule beside God's Kingdom. Amen.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

The Fifth Day of Intercourse is a Gate Hanging Over Star

The Fifth Day of Intercourse is a Gate Hanging Over Stars

November 18, 2023

 is not falling in Love good enough to call Heaven. is not the warm touch of a woman the Hand of God itself? did she decide to leave Her place in Heaven for another who will take Her place? no! she is resting in Heaven as the blessing of a young virgin being adorned for the first time in marriage. she has kept Her blessing to one in Heaven and that is to the Father of Heaven; who is the Father of Her children. five days given five thousand years four-five seasons and five churches erected on the fifth day of creation. with a new love; your first and last love of five bridesmaids who had one love affair and all were virgins before the last was or will be. she is the first Mother in Heaven to bear a child without sexual intercourse. she is married to the seventh God of Heaven and on the seventh day of rest under the sun. she has been given this time to look back and understand that what was good is set again. 

Black and Golden Child

Prophecy of the Buddha the Lord had warned Me that a special event was to occur and that God was going to be born on Christmas day, a begott...